Sunday, May 18, 2014

By George....I think I've GOT IT!

Okay, I have been completely stressing over not knowing what I was teaching my children next year. My girl will be in 8th and my Son in 6th. We needed all new curriculum in every subject except Math. I am used to building our curriculum in the past, but now I am working and so I am not there everyday with them while they work. Their father is at home, but he is working so I need a more independent course of learning, and the children are at ages where they can handle more independent work.

But now I think I have it. after talking to a lot of folks and searching the internet, I am happy with the following curriculum.
History: History Oddysey, level 2 - Ancients  coupled with Learning Adventures - Ancients (an all inclusive curriculum that I will integrate, especially the LA pieces.
Science: For my 6th Grader: Bite Sized Physics
              For my 8th Grader: The Elements
Math: Saxon 7/6 and Saxon Algebra I
LA: 6th Grader: Still building this on, but based on our history and teaching the proper way to write paragraphs, etc.
      8th Grader: Still waiting to see if she will take a 9th grade class at co op or if I will be building hers similar to her brother's.
Music: Text on Music, broken into unit studies
Art: Well, this will come but I am thinking about doing nature journals that encompass drawing, sketching, painting.
Heath: We will continue on our household management course of action. This year the children will be doing their own laundry and each child will prepare dinner once a week. Can't wait to see what they come up with.

I am certainly happy to have this taken care of. Now I just need to break it all down into six 6 week units, and then those units broken down to what we will do each week, day by day. But....we have until September for that. Happy Summer Vacation Everyone!